Thane Usa
Overcharged by $200 and refuse refund!

Sports had me about the $56/mo x-4 weeks cost strategy as initially decided in March nevertheless when I named in April to provide another creditcardnumber, the telemarketer transformed my payment standing to "spend entirely." He didn't request authorization or advise me of the change! After I noticed the $256 cost to my banking account, that was $25 significantly more than I owed even when I DID SO wish to spend entirely, I named Thane. I had been informed they might not correct their problem, apologized for that apparent oversight, which there is not really a simple boss at work to keep in touch with me! That additional $200 was said to be my vehicle cost!

Company: Thane Usa
Country: USA
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Thane USA, Thane International, Ab Doer Twist Thane overcharged by $200 and refuses to correct mistake!
Thane refuses to refund unauthorized overcharge of $200
Thane refuses to refund unauthorized overcharge of $200!

Thane International
Thane Internationa Thane's Customer Service reps repeatedly lie, replacement parts are NOT available

Thane International
Equipment Company Thane, Int'l Passes CRC Information Without Consumer Consent

Thane USA
No product, No refund, No customer service

Disgusting scam on an elderly woman

Thane 5 in 1 steam mop
"Bait & Switch" TV commercial

Charged, but never received item!
Beware of False Advertisement, Missing Items