Whitewater Info & Rafting
Unscrupulous bastards


The following is a copy of a complaint letter sent to my credit card company to reverse unauthorized charges by a callous, unscrupulous, con-artist whitewater rafting outfit named Raft West Virginia Inc., (but they also go by Whitewater Info & Rafting), located in Fayetteville, WV. Their website is "www.raftwvinfo.com"; their phone number is (800) 782-RAFT; their address is Whitewater Avenue, Route 3, Box 459-A, Fayetteville, WV 25840; their email address is "raftwvinfo@raftwvinfo.com". This company preys on hospitalized children and all efforts should be made to ensure no one patronizes them and that they are driven out of business as rapidly as possible. Please read about these unscrupulous bastards and then tell anyone and everyone you know who may be considering going rafting on either the Gauley or New rivers in West Virginia to be sure not to patronize this company. There are many wonderful rafting companies in this part of West Virginia, but Whitewater Info & Rafting is not one of them.

On 8/6 I called Whitewater Info & Rafting and made a reservation for 5 people to go rafting on Monday, August 13th. On Friday morning, 8/10/01, I called them back and added a 6th individual to our reservation. At no time during either the first or second reservation phone calls did anyone from Whitewater Info & Rafting ever mention anything about a cancellation policy of any kind.

When I returned home from work on Friday afternoon, 8/10/01, I found a reservation confirmation in my mailbox, which included information about Whitewater's cancellation policy. The problem is that no cancellation policy is valid or enforceable when it is not relayed to the customer until three days after the reservation/transaction is made! In addition to the original charge of $315.20 on 8/6/01, they also made a second charge of $63.04 on 8/10/01 was completely unauthorized. No one from Whitewater Info & Rafting ever told me that they were going to place a second charge on my credit card. They never asked me for any credit information on that second call on Friday the 10th. I deal with merchants via the phone all the time. Some I have purchased from countless times. Regardless of how many times I have purchased from them they inform me that there will be a charge each and every time and request my credit card information each and every time they charge my card.

On Saturday morning, 8/11/01, my 15-year-old daughter was rushed to the Emergency Room, diagnosed with Meningitis, a life threatening illness, and admitted to the hospital, where she remained for 5 days. On that Saturday, 8/11/01, I contacted Whitewater Info & Rafting and informed them of my daughter's condition and the fact that we would not be able to raft on Monday the 13th. Their only response to my daughter's hospitalization was to ask me if I would like to reschedule.

Shocked and taken back by their total lack of concern over my daughter's condition, I told them that I had no idea if I would be able to reschedule and would have to check with my wife and get back to them.

Once my daughter's condition ceased to be life threatening and she returned home from the hospital it was obvious that she would not be able to raft for months. I then called Whitewater Info & Rafting back to tell them that we would not be able to reschedule and that I would simply like to have my credit card credited.

The individual I spoke with was extremely rude and condescending, stating that only the owner could make that decision and that he (the owner) would call me back. I am still waiting for that phone call nearly two months later. This is an extremely callous and unscrupulous merchant who preys on hospitalized children and I request that these charges be reversed.


Steve O'Neill
Middletown, Ohio

Company: Whitewater Info & Rafting
Country: USA
State: West Virginia
City: Fayetteville
Address: Whitewater Avenue, Route 3, Box 459-A
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