Targa ASSet management - Paul Riebe - bryan ferguson
Is a scam artist beware Austin Texas


I heard from Bryan Ferguson 12/24/08 I had a craigslist add posted in scottsdale arizona 2005 moomba mobius xlv for sale. The worst day so far of my life I picked up the phone and it was Bryan Ferguson aka Targa Asset management telling me that he has a buyer for my boat which turned into having someone take over the payments on my boat. I had never done anything like having someone take over the payments before and bryans contract makes it seem like you are sooo protected, Some of the print on the contract states boat will have GPS tracking system so you can know 24hrs aday where your boat is.

YEAH that didnt happen, If payments are late that you get 150.00 on top of the payment owed plus 18% per month the payment is late. UMM Yeah that didnt happen either, Stephen LUMB I thought you were rich how is 500.00 so hard to have in my account on time? To me you are unreliable and a dream of being as rich what you believe you are. Oh. That the person taking over the payments is fully responsible for any maintenance done to the boat on their expense, Yeah i cant get my boat back right now b/c Stephen Craig lumb the buyer of my boat Has ran up a bill on my boat of 6500.00 which somehow I have become liable for, hmm what else, OH Yeah boat must be fully insured with my name on contract from date of pick up until date of final payoff, Yeah you guessed right Stephen LUMB canceld the insurance, Im thinking.

Ohh Bryan ferguson gets paid first and then he thinks when problems come up like mine he is entitled to have the right to sell the boat again or entitled 10% of what the boat sells for If you sell it yourself. The list goes ON & ON. Just one more before you go.in Bryans contract it states NO money out of Primary Partners pocket (being me) on repoing the boat. OH did i forget to tell you Bryan doesnt seem to have many people that like him in the boat world The odds of you getting your boat back using TARGA ASSET MANAGMENT REPO company are slim to NUN. I have a 41000 note on this boat plus the fees it will cost me IF IF IF i can get the boat back. WAY to go BRYAN thanks for getting me into a SHYTHOLE!!!

POOR Bryan Ferguson still living with his mom in Austin texas, He is always the Victim, I have asked him to teminate the contract over email and his reply is CALL ME just so he doesnt have a paper trail left. IF this can help one person out from being SCAMMED like what happend to me, I will fell a little better!
I have listed a few other need to knows about BRYAN FERGUSON AKA TARGA ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY

In February i intered in to a contract with Bry-Star Marine on a 1998 Powerquest boat, i first delt with a man named Bryan Ferguson he was asking for a $10,000 down payment i instructed Bryan Ferguson that i did not have $10,000 to put down and that i had $6000.00 for a down payment, he said since it was winter time and buisness was slow the $6,000 would be sufficient, well after all that me and my family went to Austin Texas at lake Travis to pick-up the boat we gave him the $6,000 and signed the contract and test drove the boat, everything was fine with the boat but the trailer had light problems, they fixed the lights on the trailer after we had to stay in Austin another night which we did not expect we went back the next morning to Bry-Star marine to pick-up the boat, as is good so far so we hooked-up set off on are way back to Oklahoma City, well we made it to Denton, Tx and the wheel bearrings on the trailer failed and we just about lost a wheel off the trailer 'again Bry-Star assured me that everthing was good & safe'

Well it was'nt i called Bryan Ferguson at Bry-Star marine, after numerous phone calls he finally answered and he was very short & rude and wanted to know what he could do about it, well after arguing with Brian he finally called someone and they came to look at the trailer the man was very nice and instructed us to take it to Max Marine in Lewisville TX, we had to leave the boat there because it would not make the trip back to OKC.

Well Monday morning i called Max Marine to touch base with them on the trailer and to see if they could fix the trailer, they inspected the trailer and and called me back and told me that the trailer was very un-safe and that they would not pull it any where so i called Bry-Star Marine to tell them what was going on and they said that they would bring another trailer to switch out and take my trailer back to Austin, TX to inspect and fix if needed, well 2 to 3 weeks went by and Brystar has yet to go to Max marine in Lewisville, TX to pick-up the trailer and Max Marine was calling me wanting me to approve them to fix the trailer or to move it off their lot or they was gaoing to start charging storage fees

So i called Bry-Star back and told them what was going on and that there was a $170.00 charge to get the boat out of Max Marines yard and they said they would take care of it well 2 to 3 more weeks went by and i was calling Bry-Star everyday asking them and arguing with them and threatening them to get my boat back to me FINALLY i got a phone call saying that the boat was on its way on another trailer, not the one that was with the boat and that they had my trailer in Austin Tx fixing it,

I finally got my boat after 7 or 8 weeks i let about 2 to 3 weeks go by and i called Bry-Star marine to get the status of my trailer and they said they hav'nt even looked at it yet so here we go with the arguing and the threats and i finally got my trlr about 2 to 3 weeks later, now that i have my boat and my trailer back everything was good until my 2 year contract was up and then i get a phone call from a CHRIS BLAIR saying that he was in Oklahoma City to pick the boat up he was saying that i had not full-filled my contract promises and that he was going to take the back to Austin TX,

I instructed him that i have full-filled all my obligations and that he was not going to touch the boat, well he tried to threaten me with court orders but i did not budge then he called and said that he just needs to take pictures of the boat to make sure it is in good condition so i agreed to meet him where i had it stored to open the storage unit up so he could inspect and then i locked the storage back up and we both left then the next morning i got a phone call from the storage facility owner letting me know that CHRIS BLAIR had threatened him to let him in the storage facility and CHRIS BLAIR cut the lock on my storage unit and took the boat with out my knowledge this boat was not behind on payments nor was the boat in any danger of being neglected in any way.

The contract was for 2 years and Bry-Star marine would try vigorously to get the boat refinanced in to my name and in the event that they could not Bry-Star would do another 2 year contract, well they did not even try to get it re-financed for me they just wanted the $6000 down payment and wanted me to pay on it for 2 years at $426 of month which adds up to be $10,224 so now i have $16,224 invested in the boat, all together i have abou $22,000 invested in the boat after all the repairs on the trailer that Bry-Star did not do and other repairs to the boat. They took the boat back in December and get this Brystar marine emailed me wanting to know if i would be interested in paying $3800 to get it out of the shop and another $852 in back payments, i told them Hell no and that they should be lucky that i have not sued them yet which i am very strongly considering.

To anyone who cares in 1991 bryan ferguson was convited of felony voluntary manslaughter. He was sentemced to 7 years in prison. He served his time at huntsville Tx and is nothing but a Liar and bs artist. He has several other convitions for which he has served jail time and has another court date in april for assault. He is currently free on 75k bail from ted potter out of belton tx.

Company: Targa ASSet management - Paul Riebe - bryan ferguson
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Address: 8553 E Lincoln Dr
Phone: 4802487650
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