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I received a charge on my phone bill for the amount of $39.99. I called the phone number that was provided and spoke to a customer service rep. I advised her that I have never signed up for any type of Pre-Paid Long Distance.

She asked to verify my name and phone number. She had my name under my maiden name that I have not used for 7 years.

She than verified the SSN and DOB and they were both incorrect. When I asked her to cancel the service, she informed me that for "Security Reasons" I must contact them from the phone number that is being billed.
I adv her that I was not there. She stated that there was no way around that. I told if they would have used "Security Measures" when they initially charged me, we would not have this conversation.

I than spoke to a "Supervisor" by the name of Jennifer and she repeated the same info that I got from the other rep.

Jennifer stated that she could call my house and get the cancellation approval from him, eventhough, his name is not on my phone account.

How funny that ANYONE can initiate or stop charges, but it just has to be from that phone line?

They stated that I should see a credit... We'll see.

Company: Integretel
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Springhill
Address: 3233 Commercial Way
Phone: 8009241828
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