Inc. Rip-off via SBC phone bill for "Information Service" FAQ900. ComZ

Shops, Products, Services

On my SBC bill dated 9/13 there is listed an additional charge for a total of $43.90 from Integretel, Inc. I called their 1-800 number listed on the bill and spoke to a customer service rep named Michelle. She was unhelpful and referred me to their web site where I filed a complaint about the charge.

I then called the SBC customer rep and spoke to Xavier through the Cleveland Center of SBC. He filed a dispute of the charge for me and informed me that the number listed on my bill, 1 900-444-0240 is for a Internet service "Fequently Asked Questions" FAQ900. ComZZ. The date of the supposed charge was 8/31 @ 4:44 P.M. When my husband and I were both working.

Company: Integretel
Country: USA
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