Sarah st john ryan faith to $3000.00 up front in two payments from husband social security disability check in april and may to start a remodification loan process to assure us that our monthly mortgage payment would

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They took money up front in april and may $3,000.00 in two payments out of our pnc bank account promising us our mortgage payment with pnc would be lowered from $835.00 a month to $241.00 a month whcih would include taxes insurance and the mortgage payment of $241.00. No services were provided they took money from us without providing the service they promised. They kept stringing us along for 7 months from march to october they kept syaing they needed more documentation time after time and time and time again with no promise of anything changing. They promised this serivce and kept delaying everything saying they were working with pnc bank to lower our mortgage payment when all along they took us and riped us off for $3,00.00 with no promise of anything but a broken bank account and we got behing in our mortgage payment and we neary lost the property because of this illegal criminal act these people put us through we have all the neccesary documentation to back up every emal phone money transaction and illegal criminal act these people put upon us. These people should be charged with money laundering mortgage fraud loan remodification fraud and anything else the law can throw the book at them and put them away fro life without parole. Please contact us we can prove every illegeal act these people commited

Country: USA
State: California
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