Misleading 2 year Contract Scam

Shops, Products, Services

I was delighted when our rural area finally got wired for HS internet and cable. The Mediacom guy came, knocked on my door, filled out the paper work and the deal was done.

A year later there was a huge spike in my monthly bill. So, I called, "What the Hey?" they said my promotional contract had run out. The only way to keep the pricing in the same ballpark was to sign a 2 (two, not one but two) year contract. Since our local power company had announced they would also be offering the services shortly, I did not want to do a 2 year contract, but reluctantly consented. We went through a recorded telephone contract agreement and I put it out of my mind.

One, (not two but ONE) year later they started it all over again. And of course, the customer service dept. Can't help me because the contract was an audio file contract.

Company: Mediacom
Country: USA
Address: P.O. Box 105407
Phone: 8556334226
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Mediacom doesn't want to keep existing customers. - City of Rogersville

Mediacom are Ripoff artists!

MediaCom Cable Quad Cities
Will not honor price contract (after 3 months), but holding me to yearly contract time frame

Ait and switch tactics

Mediacom Communications Corp
Mediacom Cable Very Poor Customer Service. Suspicous Practices

Mediacom Cable Company
Mediacom Forged My Signature

I take time off work, no one shows, and I have to keep the broken box because I'm under contract!

World Class Worst Service

I signed up for Mediacom in December for phone, internet and cable. They told me the price would be $81.38 for two years and then the price would increase. I asked for a contract, it never happen

Unreasonable charge of a termination fee