Central Telcom USBI long distance scam cramming

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Be very careful with the business practices of this company. A sales representative will call and tell you that you WILL save anywhere from $10-15 a month and that there's almost nothing you need to do. This particular conversation however, is NOT recorded so there is no way you can prove it to them. They then transfer you to a second agent who does record you agreeing to change your services to their company. They charge even if you don't use the services and since it is such a small amount (anywhere from $4-9 a month) you don't notice it until you've already given them hundreds of dollars out of your pocket. What they are doing is "legal" but it isn't very honest. Please check your telephone bill and spread the word to your friends.

Company: Usbi
Country: USA
Phone: 8884788724
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USBI continues illegal jamming of Long distance services

Ripoff charging me since 2000 for services not requested or authorized @ rate of $16.90 per month Internet


Usbi AT&T
USBI Unauthorized Services and was billed monthly!

Consumer Report

Buzz Telcom charge $9.95 activation fee for long distance services This is on my Sprint bill called they play a record of me agreeing to this This is a fake recording

Usbi Telephone
Long-distance rip-off provide

USBI crams $271.71 for one phone call, never made on a Verizon bill

USBI-Cheap2talk - voicelink
Over $ false charges Usbi

USBI Call One
Ripoff USBI phone bill charges