Extra Money Zone
Consumer Services: Rip-Off

Shops, Products, Services

The service they offer is to give you a media to put your name out there for mystery shopping offers.

I tried their services for a week unable to obtain any shops for that week, The only reponse was from one of the employers that explained I needed to apply on another website which would be free.

It takes about a day or two depending on what you have planned in order to set up this "work from home" service. After the training, creating an auto-biography, and noting all of the equipment you may or may not have, you still have the trouble of finding a suitable shop that is eligble within the 7 week window (assuming you still have 7 days after the set-up) and further more you have to submit a resume which requires additional information and effort.

After all of that, It still takes them a while to send just the first reply. After receiving service like this from an employer that specializes in consumer services I decided to cancel. I called to setup my 7 day trial on the 9th of June. I cancelled my services on the 16th of June.

They still charged me for an entire month of service even though I cancelled on what they say to be the first day of service. I called and spoke to a couple reps for about 15 minutes each, neither of which offered me a refund of any sort or seemed even slightly worried. I asked to speak with a supervisor and i was explained there was no one higher that I could talk to.

Company: Extra Money Zone
Country: USA
Phone: 8889006193
Site: extramoneyzone.com
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