Simple filings
I just went to get a ss card for my daughter which she lost. They represented themselves as the social security agency T

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I was trying to get another social security card for my daughter. I thought this was the social security site. So, I have read here and on other sites did others. I typed in all the ss #'s of myself my daughter and myself as well as other extremely private info. At the end it asked for 38.00, so I paid it by credit card. Then I thought immediately something was wrong. I typed in the company name and read other people doing the same thing. I called my cc company and they said they can not cancel trans. My main concern is my info out there. The social security requires hand carried documents. There is no way you can get a ss card from this company so do the math, If they are not legitimate what could they possibly be selling other than your info to others while taking your money, creepy. I am going to Kansas city next week on business, I think I will go to there office with my lawyer who will be traveling with me.

Company: Simple filings
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Kansas city
Address: 4049 Pennsylvania ave suite 100
Phone: 8666595246
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Bennett & Gray, LLC
Charged $34.00 for a social security application download, when they are FREE at the social security office. This is very misleading

Simple Filings
Consumer Report
I paid $40 to do what could have been free!

Simple Filings
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Social-security-card.CO I paid $38 for a replacement social security card and never received it OR a reply to my emails

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Social Security
Consumer Report

Simple Filings
Quick to Take Outrageous Money for Nothing and Still Won Fraudulent Charge with Bank!