Darren Shope dba ABC Landscape & Cleaning Service
Darren Shope, ABC Landscape & Cleaning Service Landscaping

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I had previously hired Darren Shope for a tree trimming project through Servicemagic. Although the job got strung out because of rescheduling I was happy enough with the job that he did to ask him back for a quote on backyard cleanup, scalping the existing lawn, and reseeding it in its entirety.

He came out and provided a verbal quote for the job and promised to drop off a written quote per my request. I wasn't able to get this written quote for almost two weeks. When I gave go ahead for job he set an appointment for me to meet him on property. He did not show up on time and after almost two hours rang him up. He hemmed and hawed and said thing didn't alwaus go as planned. I replied that the simple courtesy of a phone call would have been professional way to handle the matter.

His crew showed up and did a partial cleanup with paid deposit. When they showed up for the next round of cleanup a week later I pointed out areas that needed to be done per the contract. He talked his way out of the scalping of the existing grass for a reduction in the cost and promised that the limited seeding and spreading of fertilizer would give me the results I wanted withinin two weeks.

The next day he e-mailed asking me to mail the balance owed.

I followed his instructions for watering and not a single blade of grass has grown in the bare patches where he claimed to have spread the "high quality" seed. Nothing but the goatstickers and the other weeds I had wanted to be rid of are coming up. No surprise, Shope fails to respond to my inquiries about this failure to perform his contracted services.

Company: Darren Shope dba ABC Landscape & Cleaning Service
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
Address: 2706 E. Impala Avenue Mesa AZ
Phone: 4804300140
Site: ethicalaz.com
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