Platinum Promotions
Rip off, i had a medical problem and they fiered me because i could not sell thier stupid bottles

Shops, Products, Services

I started with the company the same way everyone else does. I had gotten my promotion to ast. Manager in my first week. Then i took one of thier so called satilite trips. I went to albany ny.

They forgot to tell me that they were sending us there with no money and so how we had to find a hotel and basicly pay for it our selfs.

I went with one other person we had 3 very bad sale days and we had to sleep in the car. The very next day we did ok but my partner wanted to make the 21 club so bad he left me on the streets of ny and i got in to a huge confontation. So guy came from behind me and tried to pull me into an abandon building. I almost got raped and killed over some stupid perfume company..

I hope someone learns from my experience and please think twice about working for the company that prommises you everything and gives you nothing.

Company: Platinum Promotions
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
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Dell Computer
Sending un wanted catalog that i didnt sign up fo

Cornerstone Management
Ripoff, scam, misrepresented product, fake perfume, thugs

S.W. A Enterprises

IMI - World Perfume - Zach Dunn - Sara Carl - Dan Long
Scam Jo

Scentura Creations, Phoenix Managment
Scentura Creations, Phoenix Management Put me in debt

Big City Advancement (BCA)
Scentura Creations, FireBird Management, Lincoln Wood, Rhino Management Team (RMT), RAW Enterprises The TRUTH about the opportunity

Onyx Wholesale
Lies, broken promises, a bunch of bs!

Chic Enterprises aka Atlantic Coastline Impressions

Silverstone Enterprises, Chris Holland - World Perfume
Silverstone Enterprises, Chris Holland Users & Liars

Warranty logistics
This company needs to be shut down