S.W. A Enterprises


I have recently found "S.W. A" I was told that I would be getting paid every week during training 400/weekly! Afirca (the boss) told me that we were going to go though 6-8 weeks of training. She also told us that its Dog Sh*. Afirca said that she wasn't looking for sales people and that she wasn't looking for employees she was looking for managers and employers. She said that she couldn't make any money off me or the other four girls left from training out 30 people. But really she was making money off of all of us.

She would have us go out on the streets or malls any where she knew that people requently go and spend money. She called it hustling which it was. She wanted us to SELL the bottles of perfume for at least $20 per bottle, but to SELL them higher to make instent cash so i SOLD my bottles $30-$60 per bottle and kept the cash gave her the $20 and kept what i had left over.

Now, Tell me if i came up to you with this bottle of perfume and said its the same thing as the real stuff in a plain box and a 32 oz clear bottle and said its only $30. You smell it and yes it does but a little water down though. Then i tell you "if you buy this bottle of perfume i'll go ahead and give it to you for only $20" would you but it???!!! NO!

What got me to stay as long as I did was that Afirca said that not only will I have my own office but I would be able to bring home any where from thousand dollars a week up to thriteen-thousand dollars a week. She also told me that they (her) would set up a savings acount and put a dollar per bottle in it, so if I waited a year I could go out and buy any type of car i wanted in cash. Thats when I stopped and said to myself this is full of sh*.

The first day (monday) she wanted to FARR my friends and family meaning to have them order perfume and pay me the money upfront.

She said that it would take 7-10 business days to get the bottles. Two weeks I finally got the bottles my freinds and family order after demanding the bottles. Back up for a moment, when we did FARR she made it a contast who ever sold the most bottle would win one thousand dollars. No body one any money. She traied saying that someone did and never came back to collect it. Whatever!!!

My husband said from the get go something is wrong its not that easy. Well it's not that easy now i'm stuck with bottles that I paid out of my own pocket just to try to get my self promotions and win contests with. I never seen any money and I feel that she is going to get away with this. If the company has been around for 28 years and have 12 hunderd and 47 locations and nothing has happen then nothing is going to happen. All we can do is have faith and hope that a lawyer sees this or hears about this does somthing if not they will never stop.

Company: S.W. A Enterprises
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Melbourne
Address: 1370 Sarno Rd
Phone: 321655441
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Big City Advancement (BCA)
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MJ Promotions/world Perfume/perfume Paradise
Lie/brainwash/promise to get rich

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The secret is out! Bridgeton, (McKelvey Rd.)

Big City Advancment/Josie Villasenor
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Selling used bottle - fragrances

Fragrance X
Www.fragrancex.com TERRIBLE customer service

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Sas - mark grey and rosie dont waste you time, dont follow the ad in the paper. Dont got to the interview. Dont waste your time going to the location. Dont train you wont get paid its fake get a real job or go to school

Perfume Express
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