Car vin history
Charged my acct 29.95 without my permission. Was suppose to only charge 2.95

Shops, Products, Services

They advertised that it was only 2.95 to check out a vin number and they actually charged 2.95 and then a few days later they charged my acct. 29.95 more, when I contacted them they were rude and hung up the first time and I called right back and they said they canceled my "subscription" and that I would have to email them to get my money refunded. The address I was given will not pull anything but complaints up.

I would have never agreed to a subscription, it was suppose to be a one time fee of 2.95 to check my vin number... I would like to have my money refunded asap.

Company: Car vin history
Country: USA
State: Utah
Phone: 18886131485
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