MWI Connections
RIP-OFF charged my credit card. How did they get the #? When I called, they didn't have a record of my name or address and wanted my charge card # to "look up my file"!

Shops, Products, Services

Their charge was on my credit card. How did they get my card number?

I called the 800 number on the charge.

They couldn't "find my file" with just my name and wanted my address. They still couldn't "find my file"

They wanted the credit card number, and they could find my file with that. I didn't give them that. They already had to much information.

Company: MWI Connections
Country: USA
State: Nebraska
City: Omaha
Address: 9500 West Dodge Road
Phone: 8007504364
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MWI Connections
Fraudulent ripoff charges on my credit card How did they get my credit card number?

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