Rid Your Stuff
Warehouse of Stuff Lies to customers, consigners, employees, unfair labor practices

Shops, Products, Services

Ridyourstuff.com aka WarehouseofStuff.com or any other company ran by Jason Witte should not be trusted. I recently quit as the warehouse manager after working 9 months, the last 3 weeks of which my hours ranged between 65-75/wk. And I was clearing roughly $4/hour being salaried. I lost 30 pounds in the last 2 months I was there because of how hard I was working. Bonus's were repeatedly promised but never manifested.

It was always we'll re-negotiate your salary tomorrow. My last 2 weeks I worked 10 days straight 12-15hrs a day, took my regularly scheduled day off, was sick the next day and when I came in to get my check, it wasn't there - upon calling him he said he thought I quit and it was in the mail. (it wasn't post-marked until 5 days later and took a week and a half to show up) And he advised "that was the day we were going to renegotiate my salary - go figure.

Lies lies and more lies. My final check was over $200 short because he doesnt realize salaried exempt employess get the same regardless if they work 1 day or 7. (he's going to find out because I'm going to sue him with the help of the dept of labor for FLSA violations.) I've been injured repeatedly on the job, at one point almost lost the end of my pinky finger but was always back in the next day (and no workmans comp claim)

The "I thought you quit" thing was simply icing on the cake, so I obliged and quit. I made every attempt to bring an aire of responsibility to this establishment hoping strong work ethic and long hard days would pay off eventually only to be met with constant contradiction and lies. Within the 1st month of working there I noticed he was undercharging sales tax, the correction saving him thousands a year and I barely got a thanks.

This is the WORST ABSENTEE OWNER I've ever known (only shows up 1 or 2 days a week for an hour or two) and cares nothing about those working for him, those with items on consignment, or those buying things from him on ebay except for how much money is coming in and when. I've repeatedly had to make excuses for consigners not receiving their payments, month after month.

Make excuses for not issuing refunds on ebay, sale after sale. Make excuses for freight items being delayed shipment (because he doesn't pay his freight bill) This is the sort of person that says you have to make sure these people are happy, (people waiting for weeks to get money back on damaged items) I advise a refund has to be issued, he says only do it if the money is in the account, and within minutes of getting off the phone, he'll transfer all the money out of the account so the refund can't be issued.

He'll say all freight needs to be out in 7-10 days, but doesn't pay his freight bill causing weeks of delay and then wants me to lie to the customers about the reason. He either gets pissed at the employees because the customers get upset, or gets pissed at the employees because you screw up his account helping the customers. Its a classic "damned if you do damned if you don't" situation. He has no contracts with consigners, if you give him something, consider it a gift.

You won't see it again, nor will you get a check without constant hounding for months which is tough when he's never at the location and never answers his phone. My paychecks have bounced repeatedly, phone and internet has been shut off on occasion (which is important for an intenet/cell phone based business). Bills come in and don't get paid, and it appears he has a federal tax lien against his business from some of the correspondence I've seen come in.

My tax preparer said my tax forms weren't even correctly filled out (the business is downtown St. Louis, but is listed as his home address in OFallon) He has no policy's or procedures for tasks that need to be done, just tells you to figure it out and gets mad when its not done correctly or in a timely manner. He has no idea what is going on with his business at any given time and takes no responsibilty. I've never been around someone so lazy and so full of excuses.

And hewants to call himself the President of the company. Well, if you want to be the president of a piece of crap business, congratulations! You got it! Important lesson I learned - Never work harder for someone than they are willing to work for themself. This guy is a jeffco raised scumbag that will screw everyone he has associations with. Avoid Jason Witte, Warehouseofstuff.com and ridyourstuff.com like the plague, or be ready to bend over and take it.

Company: Rid Your Stuff
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St. Louis
Address: 3728 N Market
Phone: 6362486802
Site: warehouseofstuff.com
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