Centerpoint Industries
Lots of delays and excuses


Centerpoint (also Centerpointe) Industries is a vending machine sales company based in Houston, TX. They specialize in getting new customers set up in the business.

I ordered three vending machines in late July. Steve Greene (the owner and "account manager") promised shipment in 10 to 14 working days. The contract specified shipment within 21 working days. It's been over eight weeks since the order was placed, and so far I only have excuses. Steve has given seven different verbal deadlines, and missed every one of them. Hey—at least he's consistent, right?

The contract does state that in specific circumstances, Centerpoint can take 45 working days (nine weeks) to deliver, but Steve has provided no evidence that these circumstances apply. I requested evidence of the delay or contact information for the manufacturer to confirm the delay, but none was given. He claimed a "minor part delay, " but that excuse was used for four weeks running and was supposedly resolved over week ago. Since then, I've been repeatedly promised callbacks with shipping confirmation and tracking numbers. Still no machines have shipped, and I no longer trust Steve's word at all. For all I know, he's used my money for a timeshare in Bermuda.

Steve has often not been available and usually returns a call only after repeated calls within one day, or after threats of legal action. (Actually, I've found that online reviews also get responses—more excuses but no real action.) He once told me to speak to "Ann Willis, " the other account manager, if he was not available. When I asked for Ann Willis, the secretary told me that there was no such person there, and that Steve was the only account manager. (OK, I had imaginary friends too when I was a toddler, but imaginary employees are a bit much.)

When I was checking Centerpoint out two months ago, there were two complaints on the BBB report. Now there are seven, and since mine has not yet posted, I wonder how many more are in the system. I have found Centerpoint impossible to work with, and delinquent concerning its business agreements. They have missed seven deadlines and not returned 17 calls placed on 12 different days.

Bottom line: if you like excuses, delays, missed deadlines, and being ignored, go for it!

Company: Centerpoint Industries
Country: USA
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