Securus payments
Nick van dell jon baer securus payments and jon baer and nick van dell sold me a contract and machine that does not work and does not suite my needs

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Securus payments sold me a credit card machine and service that did not work or unneeded. Very poor customer service. Kept leaving messages with a wendy who doesnt exist. Kept calling jon Baer, sales rep, to help me to terminate this unlawful contract who than told me that the only person that can terminate the contract is his manager and if i spoke to him really nice he would help me. I than spoke to a Nick Van Dell regional manager who spoke to me in such a chauvinistic way that after our 38 min and 57 second conversation left me in tears. Nick Van Dell accused me of being like an ex girlfriend that keeps bringing up the past. He also said that if he came to nj he would like to have a beer with me. He also said that he needed to end the phone call so he can dry out his ears. He ended the conversation by saying have a good night and have a beer cause i will be having one after this phone call. If that is the proper training for securus payments than this is a company that is a fraud and needs to cancel my contract. Securus Payments are refusing to do the right thing which if a service cant be fulfilled than the contract is only as good as the paper it is written on.

Company: Securus payments
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Address: 7724 SE Aspen Summit Dr. Ste 300
Phone: 5039541324
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