Vodik.com, my. Vodik.com, Vodik Corporation, Vodik Inc. Nathan Hart of Vodik Corporation doesn't pay and lies about sending payments

Shops, Products, Services

In spring I was contracted by vodik.com to film web videos for a real estate company. It was a full day shoot and another couple days of editing to put together 2 5-minute videos complete with graphics and music.

After submitting the work, Nathan Hart claimed they were having money issues, but he assured me for several months thereafter that my payment was on its way. Of course money never came and he eventually stopped responding to all calls and emails.

Do not work for Vodik Corporation or Nathan Hart. He is a rip off and a liar.

Company: Vodik
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 8880 Rio San Diego Drive #800 San Diego California
Phone: 8886986345
Site: vodik.com
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Nathan Hart giving me the runaround on receiving my check-no longer responding to my emails

Did not pay for work done... They ripped me and my partner off

Glad to see I wasn't singled out by not being paid by these creeps. It's been over a year. Emails stopped being replied to, phone calls went unanswered, and my invoice remains unpaid

Nathan Mordler, SCI Of Atlanta
Mr Mordler did not pay me the $20,000 in comissions he owed me

Ben Hart
Ben Hart of Fitness Leads Generator is a Scam Artist Church Falls Virginia

Nathan Kaludy
NK Web Development Nathan Kaludy is amoral

Hart Aero
Doug Hart No Aircraft, only 10% of my money refunded

Alan Nathan
Nathan Accounting Firm Alan Nathan Bad Accountant Crook Fraud Not a CPA

Hart Aero
No delivery of plane Refund promised No refund

Shawn Hart Marketing
Gorilla UTV Falsly advertised one low price for their UTV, hidden charges and failure to account for them