Did not pay for work done... They ripped me and my partner off


We were contract my vodik.com to film a real estate company's office. It was a two day shoot that didn't pay much in the first place. We had to shoot a "B" roll and then do post production work that took several hours. They promised payment on completion and after 30 days I hadn't heard from them. Upon contact they said they were having money problems and would send money within 30 days. I called Nathan and explained that we needed payment and he said he would send a partial payment. I received nothing. Do not work for these guys they rip you off.
Earle, Puyallup, WA.

Company: Vodik.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 8880 Rio San Diego Drive #800
Phone: 8886986345
Site: vodik.com
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Vodik.com, my. Vodik.com, Vodik Corporation, Vodik Inc. Nathan Hart of Vodik Corporation doesn't pay and lies about sending payments

Nathan Hart giving me the runaround on receiving my check-no longer responding to my emails

Leon Queneville WPG POKER
Ripoff liar never paid me con artst

Alicia Sliver Productions Inc
Venassa Wilson Deceptive and partially dishonest

Catrina Russaw, Paralegal This Law firm did not pay the balance of the money they owed me after receiving the photos i took for them

Glad to see I wasn't singled out by not being paid by these creeps. It's been over a year. Emails stopped being replied to, phone calls went unanswered, and my invoice remains unpaid

New York Film Studios
Los Angeles Film Studios IT'S A SCAM! — don't get duped!

CBE group Inc
Debt payment receipt letters review

Legal Loan Review
Legal loan review ripped us off $2995.00

Giuseppe Pugliese
New York Film Studios— Joe SCAM ARTIST