Glory to Glory Show
Roderic Lee Terry and Donna Savage I called them out along with another person because they were charging for prophecies and if you did not have money to give they looked down on you and you would not be their best friend

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Roderic Lee Terry and Donna Savage are vultures to Gods people. When I followed them, I realized how deceived I was because number one, they follow and hang around with a false prophet named Bishop Bernard Jordan, and when me and another lady called them out on them charging people for prophecies, they automatically got defensive. I used a scripture out of the bible against them and told them that they were making merchandise out of Gods people.

Everytime I could not donate to them, they would look down on me and would not praise me like they did the people who could give them 400 or 500 dollars each time they came on. They tried to use a scripture against me and they said "touch not mine annointed and do my prophets no harm".

Well, I guess that does not apply to them because they are false prophets trying to get rich on Gods people. I pray right now in the name of jesus that God reveals the wolves in sheeps clothing that they are. I also pray in the name of Jesus that God brings down the empire they are trying to build and I pray in jesus name that, they are exposed by more followers and that the Lord God, exposes them and shows how false they are. Just to warn you, they will attack you when you come against them

Company: Glory to Glory Show
Country: USA
Phone: 8622514472
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