St. Matthews Church
Gave Money Then I find They prey on your Spiritual Personal Walk Of Faith!


I too was taken in by St Matthews Church. Their Mailings came at a most deperate time in my husbands and my life. We were out of work, lost our jobs, and was about to loose out home.

I read thier letter, seen the beautiful pictures of Our Lord and figured someone that I shared our plight with, put us on a prayer chain. I didnt send much money at all as we had very little. $1.00 3 times.

I have to say when I found this rip off site and seen the compaints my mouth dropped. I feel so betrayed and angry. They say "you reap what you sow" (in one of the letters of St Matthews sent). I would not want to be them, when they have to account to the Almighty, for ripping people off in Jesus's name!

The pictures of Our Lord were beautiful, they gave me a sense of peace and centeredness, in a time of total Chaos in our lives, the scripture passages were comforting gave us hope, so in that, the $3.00, I paid was worth it.

I must admit I feel a little odd at some of the methods they asked you to do, lay seeds on the Bible, put a penny inside and outside your door, I shook my head, but in the long run I said why not? I am not superstitious as you may think, not at all as a matter of fact. But they really have this down to a fine art. This is when your personal spitiual walk is violated to a point.

So I look at it like this, a lesson learned, and beautiful pictures and scripture there for me during those trying times in our lives. The funny thing is... We had them pray for jobs for us both, and catch up on our bills, we got the jobs, and extra money came abd we startied to pay our bills... So who is to say... Foucusing on the Lords face and reading scripture, the Lord heard and answered out prayers... It was not St Matthews, But the Lord!

But we all think differently, I only hope the next ones preyed upon will see the light... Not in St Matthews, But the Lord!

Lesson Learned and a Lesson Gained! St. Matthews needs to reply to these reports, and also let us know where the money we sent them went. Are they real? Is there a building, I assumed there was...

Well, I wish everyone who reads this, and have been affected by this scam..., the realization that people will stoop to all methods of ripping you off, but its up to you in how you deal with that fact, sulk and be upset or gain the knowledge from what you can from the whole thing and move on... I gained, I am moving on...

I wish you the same. Gods Speed!

Company: St. Matthews Church
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Address: P.O. Box 21210
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Saint Matthews Church In Tulsa OK
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Saint Matthews Churches
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Prayer By Letters - Saint Matthews Church ripoff, disgraceful, It really took me "back" when someone has to stoop that low, as to use our "LORD and SAVIOUR" in a rip off scheme. Hope you get caught

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Tulsa Oklahoma Company Preys on Peoples Faith, using Jesus Christ and promising miracles Ripoff

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SAINT MATTHEWS The misuse of Gods commandments