Tax Group Center
This firm, which i initially paid $1,750.00 to prepare 2 years of 1040EZ tax forms to relieve wage garnishment didn't produce results. Charged an additional $1,250.00 for 3 more years of 1040EZ forms

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I hired this firm to remove wage garnishment from several years of un-filed tax returns.
According to the IRS the years in question were 04 and 07. They charged me $1,750.00 to
file 1040EZ forms for these years. I received tons of paperwork and filled out and faxed to them.
Days later, they then said i needed to file returns for 09,10, and 11 and charged me an additional
$1,250.00. More paperwork was sent. I did everything they asked and walked the returns into an IRS office and was assured i was in full compliance, and the garnishment would stop. All returns were stamped and faxed back to Tax Group Center. The garnishment continued. Two weeks later, they call and say i need to file 3 more years of returns for an additional $1,250.00. After all the fees, with no results... I contacted them with a bit of anger. Their rep handling my case said "don't raise your voice to me... This is "your" tax problem! The way I see it... Once you received my payments, it became "our" tax problem... That's what I paid them for. They have done nothing to stop the wage garnishment and continue to put me on "hold" each time I contact them. I've now paid nearly $10,000.00 to the IRS and Tax Group Center and still at "square one"... NEVER hire this firm to handle your tax issues!!!

Company: Tax Group Center
Country: USA
State: California
City: Calabasas
Address: 5010 N. Parkway Calabasas, Suite 110
Phone: 8185915881
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