Visiontel Communications - D/b/a VisionLabs
"free Epiclear" tease is a ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

I responded to the ad for a "free" bottle of Epiclear for my daughter to try. I am a "long-term veteran" of the ProActiv club program, so I was adamant that I did not want to join another. (NOTE: In fairness, I must add here, I NEVER had any problems with the ProActiv program itself. When I called to cancel, they were courteous and stopped shipments and issued credits right away.)

The Epiclear sales rep talked around my objections, but when I said I was NOT interested if I could not try the "free" sample without committing to a subscription for future shipments, I was told, "No problem".

The rep then said all I had to do was call customer service to tell them I did not want future shipments. I said, "No, I am telling you now, and I am only authorizing a one time charge to my credit card for the free trial shipping fee".

I said if my daughter liked the product, she could make a call later and set up her own account. Again, the rep said that would not be a problem.

So, why was I so shocked when, less than 30 days later, a charge for $164.90 appeared under "Pending New Charges" on my online credit card statement?!?!?

Right now, I am on "hold" on their customer service line as I type this. I have been "holding" (connected, listening to that same song play on my speaker phone) on their line since 1:23 EST, and it is now 4:56 EST. The "voice" instructs you to hold and your call will be answered in the order fact, I was never answered, the line disconnected at 5:00pm EST!

I actually stumbled upon this website while waiting for someone to answer my call! I am surprised to read that others actually got to talk to someone. But, now I also realize that this seems to be a common practice for this company, and not just a simple misunderstanding.

I am sending the company a certified letter and, I will continue to try to contact them by telephone. I have notified my credit card company that this is an unauthorized charge and that I am attempting to resolve it with the company. I also intend to notify the State Attorney General's office and the Better Business Bureau. I strongly believe that very deceptive practices have been employed for them to justify any additional charges to my credit card.

I am no legal expert, but I cannot imagine that any company will be allowed to continue unchallenged the questionable practices we have experienced with VisionLabs. We, as consumers, must do our part to inform others and the proper authorities to stop such companies from profiting by deception.

Company: Visiontel Communications - D/b/a VisionLabs
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Eliot
Address: 51 Dow Highway
Phone: 8882156545
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VisionLabs - Epiclear

Epiclear, epiclear-had to cancel credit card to stop future shipments

EPICLEAR - VISION LABS - Visiontel Communications - Vision Lab Tech
EPICLEAR - VISION LABS - Visiontel Communications -Vision Lab Tech RIPOFF Offered me a sample of product w / promise of no further obligation then unlawfully billed me

Visiontel - Epiclear
Visiontel Ripoff, on Epiclear from Visiontel, Sent a "free" sample but charged

Visiontel Communications
Ripoff Unauthorized shipment of merchandise

Debited bank card without signed authorization for future shipment

Vision Labs
Visiontel Comm - Epiclear ripoff unauthorized used of credit cards
Hidden charges and conditions ripoff fraudulent deliberate deception


Visiontel Communications - (dba Vision Labs)
Visiontel Communications, LLC (dba Vision Labs) ripoff The product is misbranded per FDA Internet