Instant Checkmate
$1 to run search, instead charged $24.63, given old useless information

Shops, Products, Services

I saw an add for "beenverified" on TV. I checked it out on my computer and thru a link went to Instant They said I could do a search of public records on anyone for $1 with no strings attached. I gave them my debit card # for the $1 charge. The information I got was old and useless, so I said, so what, it only cost me a $1 an I was willing to drop it as a lesson learned. However, $24.63 was charged to my accout. I did not knowingly make an agreement with them. It was just for the one time check for a $1. What can I do to get my money back?

Company: Instant Checkmate
Country: USA
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Instant Checkmate
Instant Checkmate gives false information

Instant Checkmate
Said I had 5 days free and when I cancelled they still charged me

Instant checkmate
Bad, wrong, missing information

Instant CheckMate
CheckMate Billing Card Scam

Charged $19.00 for "FREE 1 WkTrial", Contacted site 07/09 phone/email, no reply/ site provides: outdated/incorrect/vague

Instant Checkmate LLC
Instant Checkmate Totally Inaccurate info and cancellation routine is a scam
Incorrect Information

Instant CheckMate, Find the truth about anyone Results of background search are Bogus. Tested with known Felons produced innaccurate or no results of crminal records. Spent $25 to try it out. Then when I called for refund would only give back $12

Checkmate International
US Records Search, Bank Accounts Search Paid $295 for records search and no results sent to me Internet

Instant Checkmate
I went on instant checkmate only because they had a time offer of $1.00 for five days of usage for a dollar that seemed to be a really good promotion, maybe a little bit too good