www.oilrigs usa.com
Rig employment.com NO drilling rig jobs. Save your money

Shops, Products, Services

These people have a great presence on the internet. They promise a lot of entry level jobs on drilling rigs. DON'T fall for it! Its all automated, no real person to talk to, and the only job listings are workovers, nothing on drilling rigs to apply for. The company listings they do supply are a photcopied page from and oilfield directory. They promise to distribute your resume to all these companies, but I seriously doubt that ever happens. DO NOT give them your hard earned money! There are better sites that don't charge. I was taken in because of my desire to be in the oilfield, don't you be!!!

Company: www.oilrigs usa.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 5663 Balboa Avenue, Suite 477, San Diego, CA 9211
Site: oilrigusa.com
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Jobs For Moms
They are deceptive, you have no way to contact them, & job listings are outdated and they hardly have new ones. JobsForMoms.com

Compliance drilling serices
Consumer Report

David Berge
Consumer Report

Simply Hired
Recycles old and expired job listings from OTHER websites and posts them as if they were new! Internet

Fake job listings, scam for personal info Columbus

Eastern Energy
Lies, lies, and more lies. Tag team of liars will take your money and hide. Snakes of the gas and oil exploration industry!

American Data Group A Frontier Publishing Company
Amaerican Data Group completely ripped me off and have horrible customer service

Master Drilling Recruitment

Precision Drilling Corporation UK
Consumer Report

US Congress And Senate
Congress And Senate Are Out To Tax Us To Death Not listening to the american Taxpayers