Eastern Energy
Lies, lies, and more lies. Tag team of liars will take your money and hide. Snakes of the gas and oil exploration industry!


The tag team of Bill Champion (may no longer be with Eastern), and Mark Kroman will sell you an oppotunity to be a part of oil or gas drilling in Texas. You will be told you will get a payback of 3 to 5 yrs. On your money and after that it's all icing on the cake. After which they will take your money do the drilling and start to pay you back small amounts as a teaser. Then they will entice you into a second opportunity but before it's done they will tell you to give them more because they need more to complete the drilling. At that point you will have figured out that you have been "had" and it's a bunch of fraud including the bogus people they use for referrals. Then they can stop paying you because you aren't fulfilling the contract. Finally you get the shaft with no return calls, the BBB that tried to intervene gets nowhere, broken promises when you do get through, etc... I'm totally disheartened and ashamed to have been duped by these guys when I try to be pretty cautious with my hard earned money. I further believe there is a lot of others out there in denial that they got scammed by this company too.

Company: Eastern Energy
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Bowling Green
Address: 1109 Lovers Ln # 2D
Phone: 2708428906
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