CiCi's Pizza
Scott Smith The franchise owner Scott Smith closed the CiCi's Pizza 2 weeks before Christmas and didn't pay employees

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Scott Smith was a franchise owner of CiCi's Pizza. Our gas got cut off on a Monday 2 weeks before Christmas, he told the manager that it would take two days to get the gas cut back on. Well after 3 days the gas wasn't back on and I called the manager that worked there and he said that the owner wasnt returning his calls or texts. The manager also said, I guess the red flags should have been raised when he stopped depositing the sales into the business account. I drove by their a week later and the gas was still cutoff, so he just lied and decided to just close the restaurant for good. When I called the manager I asked if he spoke with him and he said that he asked the owner if he was opening back up and he would not respond to his texts. He owes us all a week of pay and he won't return any calls. He ruined Christmas for everyone while he stocked piled 2 months worth of sales. I'm sure he had a wonderful Christmas, while my wife and I and the rest of the employees couldn't afford a Christmas. Scott Smith you are the scum of scum and sooner or later Karma will catch up to you. Do not do business with this guy he is doing some kind of concrete paving business.

Company: CiCi's Pizza
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: 6050 peachtree parkway
Phone: 6787546096
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