Time Warner Cable
Terrible customer service, employees who lie, poor follow-up

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Time Warner Cable employees in the retention department lied about adjusting my plan in order to keep me as a customer, then proceeded to bill me under the old plan rate. When I discovered the problem and confronted customer service in person, TWC quickly tried to cover up the problem by giving me a credit to correct the account balance. However, they ignored my request that the unethical, untruthful conduct of the retention department be brought to the attention of management.

A few weeks later, a check I mailed was credited to the wrong account. Multiple customer service representatives admitted that they saw where the money had been credited but could not move it. The billing department and disconnection technician continued to call me daily, even after I provided a copy of the canceled check. Finally, I got so frustrated that I called TWC and demanded they disconnect my service immediately, as well as requesting that they remove me from future mailings.

To make all of this worse, TWC has a very poorly designed customer service system that relies on internet menus and automated telephone systems. Some of the employees seemed interested but about 1/2 of them sounded like they really didn't care and just read from a script. No one wanted to do any work or solve a problem.

I'm so happy that I'm going to spend some time on Christmas week bringing back their box & remote. I can't wait until Century Link takes about 50% of their business and puts them under. Better yet, I hope that enough people will complain and the cable, telephone, and cell phone industries will become regulated utilities with limited profit potential and lots of oversight. Somebody needs the hammer to be brought down on these folks. Maybe some class action oriented lawyers will act as champions of the consumer and find some common problems that demand legal action. I'd love it if someone was to investigate the formulas used to determine how much customer time to waste navigating the automated telephone systems. I'm sure somebody in TWC does a business analysis on how to discourage people from talking to actual employees. This creates an incredible burden on society in terms of mental stress and lost productivity. It is too bad the cable company can't be held liable for this, particularly in light of the fact that they were a monopoly until recently.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Charlotte
Phone: 18558209903
Site: timewarnercable.com
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