Creative Concept Group
Federal Verification Services Deceptive Sales Practices, Unauthorized ACH debit

Shops, Products, Services

I initially signed an agreement with Federal Verification

Services to get our business listed on the federal GSA registry for some of our

Business services. Apparently, as I was

Not made specifically aware, there were also some additional charges that would

Be forth coming in the future. We had

Agreed on a fixed price to get us listed with the GSA, to the tune of a little

Over $3,000.00. I am fine with the

Agreed price for that service and intend on continuing to have them list

Us. The issue that I have is that there

Was a trial period for their Win Bids service. We were charged for this service without our

Direct authorization, and since the company had our bank account information

They did an ACH Transaction to collect funds for this service. We never agreed to use this service and

Certainly did not agree to pay to use this service. When I contacted the company directly about this

They said it was in the contract and that they would not refund us for this

Service. The two issues that I have are:

#1 We never used this service at all.

#2 We never agreed to let this company bill us or directly

Debit our bank account.

I requested a refund for this and was promptly told no. This is not an ethical way to do business nor

Was it made totally clear that additional charges would be coming. Even if it was in the contract I never knew that these were the specific terms. I signed up for a GSA listing and nothing more.

Company: Creative Concept Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Oldsmar
Address: 4035 Tampa Road Suite 6800
Phone: 81379245924264
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Beware Of Paymerica - overall service

AT&T Advertising Solutions
AT&T Bellsouth Yellow Pages Unethical Salespractices, Lying about contract terms & monthly charges, refusal to decrease montly service charges

UMG Services - United Marketing Group Services
UMG Marketing Group, UMG My Advisor Fraudulent Bank Debit Purchases

Flagship Merchant Services/Linkpoint Central
Flagship Merchant Services Fraudulently removed funds from our business bank account

Awful company


Transfirst Merchant Services
Consumer Report

I was charged for credit monitoring services i did not order

Bill Increase Dallas Pennsylvania

Direct TV
Illegal $49.00 Restoral of Service Fee and Other Deceptive Billing Practices