Dish Network
Frontier Communications Overcharging and failure to cancel when requested Internet

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I signed up with Frontier to handle my television, home phone, and internet. First the installation was terrible, they hire contractors to do the work, who show up when it's convienient for them so that they can fit in as many installs in a day, quality & customer service is NOT their main focus. Then after we started getting the service, the charges went up every single month by different amounts than what was the original agreement. I had to keep calling back in, and apparently even though you signed up for it all with Frontier and that's who sends you the bill, they only handle the phone & internet end & you have to talk to Dish Network seperately about the TV. Every other month or so I was having to deal with charging variations.

Finally I got fed up & in June told them I wanted to cancel their services, they said I was contracted until Septmeber & would have to wait. I called back in Sept & told them to cancel me. They said they would, but the services November they finally turned the services off. I called in about 2 weeks later & asked how to return the equipment. They said they would cancel the services officially that day, what? It had been off for weeks, but they're going to continue to charge my account, even after I'd told them several times to cancel me!!! We sent the boxes back, they received a bill for over $1000.00 from collections. Then today, they took $200.00 out of my bank account, that apparently I'd agreed to when I signed th initial contract - I should know well enough to read all the fine print! - because I'd cancelled early, I had signed a 2 year contract & had put in less than a all those time when I was calling in, did they tell me that? No, they said I had until Sept so I thought I was able to get out in a year.

I signed the contract so I'm stuck with the charges, but I will never have anything good to say about this company and the way that they do business.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
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