C4 Connections
C4 Connections lied and ripped me off!

Shops, Products, Services

I worked for C4 for a few months. I was promised many things that turned out to be lies after I started working there would make a higher pay due to my experience, would get my own office in 2 months, was considered to be a manager in training, ect. The manager that I worked for didnt know what he was doing and would hire anyone that he could find and do no training. He even hired a homeless man that he met while filling up his car at the gas station close to the office as well as a man that came into the office drunk and drugged up which not only made myself feel uncomfortable but the few others that were in the office. The atmosphere was overall unprofessional, unorganized and frankly, in chaos. I recommended several tools and ideas that I have used in related positions and jobs over the years but didnt take them. Finally after many empty and broken promises, I decided to leave the company. I was told that I could pick up my reserves paycheck (that was taken out every week for customers that happened to cancel before install) in 120 days.in the meantime, I still had one paycheck to pick up after I had left. When I came to pick that check up, it wasnt there and had been sent back to corporate which I was then told would never get. Frantic, I demand for the check to be sent back and that legally I had to be paid. The administrator told me that wasnt possible and if I wanted my other paycheck to call in September. When September came, I called the office to see if the paycheck was there and the phone had been disconnected. I then called the cell phone of my manager and his wife to pick up my check and they too were disconnected. I went onto Facebook and looked up and emailed all the people with my manager and wifes name to try and get my paycheck and still no reply. I then decided to contact corporate but every time I call, I want to get transferred to an associate to help me and the phone hangs up when I am being transferred. After calling for several hours, a woman answers and I tell her my situation and she then transfers me to someone else. It rang once and a voicemail audio pops on. I wait to leave a message and the mailbox is full and then the automated system hangs up the phone. At this point I am more than frustrated! I just want to get the money that I worked my butt for and that is it. It isnt that difficult!

Company: C4 Connections
Country: USA
Address: 12444 Powerscourt Drive, Suite 375
Site: c4connections.com
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