Pasadena Animal Control
Worthless ripoff

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These officers, can not enforce any laws. When called about a dog attack (the same dog has attacked 3 times) on my dog and myself. I was informed until blood is drawn they will do nothing, when I stated that I would be forced to shoot the dog, since he is never on a leash (their law). I was told I would have charges pressed against me.

They have proven in the past that they are only poorly trained dog catchers, at the best. They can ticket a disabled man with his 3 legged dog though. I guess they can catch them! They will enter your apartment, with out warrant and go through personal belongings. Maybe they are looking for the three legged dogs other leg?

Simply stated, WORTHLESS!!!

More over paid lowly civil servants.

Company: Pasadena Animal Control
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Pasadena
Address: 5150 Burke
Phone: 2819910602
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