Scam! Fraudulently claims to place people in oil industry jobs Alberta, Canada

Shops, Products, Services

Oilcareer.com is an utter scam! They take your money and pretend to be finding you a job. What they actually do is a bastardized version of true job placement.

Oilcareer.com takes the online resume which you spend hours on and basically spams oil companies with it. The oil companies are so tired of receiving these unsolicited e-mails that they no longer even consider them. They immediately delete them.

The end result is that you have shelled out a few hundred dollars in order to have someone spam a bunch of oil companies on your behalf. What a deal!

Company: Oilcareer.com
Country: USA
Address: Alberta, Canada
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Oilcareer - Strategic Ecomm - Matt Hovila
Oilcareer.com, Strategic Ecomm, Matt Hovila ripoff

Strategic Ecomm ripoff oilcareer ripoff Edmonton

Rip-off! I paid for services, not received

Matt 90-day money back guarantee scam!

Oilcareer, Strategic Ecomm, Matt Hovila
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Oil Careers
Ripoff fraudulent ripoff business Alberta

Ripoff Took money and never did what they promised Houston, Texas And Edmonton, Alberta

Rip-off! Alberta Canada

Oil career
Oilcareer Failed to get services paid for. Charged twice for the same service. Ripoff

Ripoff dishonest, never did what they claimed, took my money and ran, never replied to any of my requests