Ripoff dishonest, never did what they claimed, took my money and ran, never replied to any of my requests

Shops, Products, Services

After 3 months of doubting their services, I tried it anyway. They were quite helpful when I was deciding to join. They claimed I would be employed with two weeks. Now 4 months later I have not had any replies from their website. If I call their website and prompt them that I am exisiting member. I am forwarded to a recording that all representatives are busy. If I prompt them I am interested in becoming a member they will pick up the phone. When I speak with them they are hesistant to answer questions and I have been put on hold and/or disconnected.

Company: Oilcareer
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: Suite #862 14781 Memorial Dr
Phone: 7804436047
  <     >  


Oilcareer - Strategic Ecomm - Matt Hovila
Oilcareer.com, Strategic Ecomm, Matt Hovila ripoff

Oilcareer, Strategic Ecomm, Matt Hovila
Www.oilcareer.com Oilcareer, Strategic Eco Ordered Professional Employment Package 12 November cv exposure 5128 oil companies 100% money back guarantee 90 days Edmonton

Strategic Ecomm ripoff oilcareer ripoff Edmonton

Rip-off! I paid for services, not received

Matt 90-day money back guarantee scam!

Scam! Fraudulently claims to place people in oil industry jobs Alberta, Canada

Consumer Report

Startup Essentials
Ripoff Tried to sell me a homebased business start up

Phillip Nast
Consumer Report

Bill for website access No access code ever given Unable to ever gain access to any website Did not ask for any services to begin with consumer fraud ripoff