AT&T Wireless
Bait and switch from customer reps - new company policy for bad service

Shops, Products, Services

Whenever you change service levels or call with questions, AT&T Wireless reps try to offer you 'new opportunities' or 'free' this-and-that, all of which have 12-month contract extensions attached. Often they do not disclose that. When you discover it months later, they claim that you agreed to it. Also when you change service levels, the 'gift' they gave you (for the 12-month extension) is taken away. And if you 'accepted' a 'gift' in the middle of the billing cycle (month), it backdates to the beginning of the month - which is fine, but you don't necessarily get to take advantage of it - but your 12-month obligation continues not from the back-date but from the date you changed the service - in other words potentially obligating you to up to 13 months of service. AT&T's response when you call in? Quit early and pay $175 or we WILL sue you.

Plus service plans that were available the month before are no longer, and why not upgrade to GSM and buy a new phone?

Hostile, unpleasant and nasty customer service, with poorer traditional cellular coverage and lower call quality, are the hallmark of the new AT&T as it gets swallowed up by Cingular.

Company: AT&T Wireless
Country: USA
State: California
City: Anaheim
Phone: 8008887600
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