Raiders international publishing
Adam salviani Royalty scam Internet

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First of all raiders publishing offered me alot under there gold membership though many of it i did not get. They told me i would get to make an ad on the radio under my contract, it never happened, they told me they would help and get me book signings, it never happened, the published my book full of errors as they did with so many others and took over a year to fix the problem, they promised me a website which took 2 years to happen but this I learnt to live with and created my own adverts and got my book out there myself,

After my first cheque i was pleased that my book did o. K, but then all of a sudden raiders keep telling me i have only sold 2 books on their reports so i got no money. I thought it was strage because many family and friends had brought the book recently and had me sign it. So I decided after the last report to buy the book myself, just 3 every three weeks until the next report just to see if my book sales went up and also in the meantime i grew a little fan base who wrote to me alot and ask for a book signing and seem to know my book well so i figured they must of brought it. But then I recieved my latest report, and it said suprise suprise that I had only sold two books.

I am mad now I am meant to get 60% of the royalties and now im wondering have i been scammed for the past two years and not getting what I am owed. I have written to raiders letting them know i know there last report was wrong giving them a chance to reply but i now plan to contact the head office of all the stores that sells my book and ask for a report on book sales over the last two years as i know i have been cheated has this happened to anyone else?

Company: Raiders international publishing
Country: USA
Address: 350 5th Ave. - 59th Floor newyork 10118
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Raider Publishing International
Consumer Report

Raiders Publishing International
Raiders Publishing are LIARS and ripped me off

Raider Publishing
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Raider Publishing International
Consumer Report

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Raider Publishing International
RPI, Adam Salviani Raider Publishing International SCAM