Best Buy
Ripoff Tech so RUDE! Lied!

Shops, Products, Services

A little over a month ago, my fiance and I dropped off an Ipaq that was purchased there to be repaired. It had a cracked screen. It was cracked during a vacation. When we took it in, the technician was very kind to us. He said that it would take about 2 weeks to be repaired. After numerous promised of it being there "soon" we were told it would be in the next day, if not the next day for sure the day after that.

So, the day after that we go in. It's not there. Big shock. We still weren't that upset though, we were just glad it was going to be repaired. 1 month almost to the day we received a call that it was for sure in. We went in. When the technician opened the box, there was nothing repaired at all! The screen was still cracked and NOTHING had been done. The tech was still nice at this point. He said he was going to go talk to his manager so we wouldn't be charged. I asked him about the $24.95 we were already charged.

So he comes back with the manager and the first words out of his mouth were that he wasn't going to refund the $24.95 but he wasn't going to charge us for the parts or the labor. Well gee golly wiz, he sure did us a big favor by not charging us for items we never received. I mean, how freakin' kind. I was upset at this point because we were told it was goign to be fixed. We were without our item for a month. We were also told by the original tech that the $24.95 would be applied to the cost of it being repaired. Since it wasn't repaired we wanted that money back. I mean, we wouldn't have sent it off if we thought it wasn't goign to be fixed. I don't know about anyone else, but $24.95 is a lot of money for nothing.

So at this point I ask if it can be sent back out to be fixed. I was told for another $24.95! I couldn't believe it. They sent it out to be fixed once, and it obviously wasn't handled properly. I mean, the sheet even said it was repaired, when clearly it wasn't. There was no way I was goign to pay another $24.95 for this to happen again. I mean, why should we be out money for somethign that wasn't our fault.

Again I just said I wanted the $24.95 back and we'd be happy. Either by shipping it back for free, in store credit, or credited back to our credit card. I thought I was being pretty fair. Again he said no, he was generous enough to return the money that was charged for the new screen (which there wasn't one). Then he started playing games with my words and was acting like I was just trying to get something for free or something for nothing. Well, I got nothing. I would have been 100% happy if the product was repaired like I was told it would be. I would have gladly handed over the money and gotten out of the store if that were the case. I was highly upset at this point and just left.

I called the store manager up when I got home (whom I was told wasn't there when I was just in the store minutes earlier by a tech who was obviously high). The store manager said that the $24.95 was for shipping. Nice that I finally found out it was for. I was then told that I must have been misinformed by the original tech because they can't refund shipping. We were told that was a charge for an estimate that would be applied to the total at the end if we decided to get it repaired. Nothing about shipping. So, now we're out $24.95 because some stupid tech doesn't kwon what he's talking about or was tryign to be shady. Who knows. I'm just so upset at the way I was treated. The tech who was high even rolled his eyes at me because I started to get tears in my eyes because we were out the money and they were being jerks to me. We were planning on registering there for our wedding... I'm sure Circuit City will appreciate the business now.

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Reno
Address: 5575 S VIRGINIA ST
Phone: 7754489797
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