Best Buy
Eturn policy

Shops, Products, Services

Bestbuy requres my drivers permit to come back a product. Basically am not necessary my DL to buy a product why on the planet do I've to exhibit them my identification to come back it? Are hey joking me!!! Easily spend money and return a product I still need to provide them with my DL. They replicate it and undoubtedly inform me that they're just finding my handle. BullCrap. They are in possession of my personal data and also have no to it. I for just one WOn't store there again. Simply becasue a company may do it will no make it right. If anybody knows of the suit against them for this exercise I'll combined it. Wrong is Incorrect.

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Orem
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Consumer Report

CCA First National Card
Rip off scam artists

Abacus Ink ripoff sent wrong item sent less expensve item, refused to send correct item and return envelope for wrong item refused to send shipping label for wrong item, refused to give refund, expects me to pay shipping to return wrong item

Euromillones Loteria International Claim Agent Name Dr. Mario Gomez
Ripoff Madrid
XR LLC, boyzshop Purchased two items, sent me wrong item and would not refund my money and wouldn't let me return the wrong item

T.J. Maxx
Eturn policy

Ripoff nothing but another insurance sharkssucking peoples money Houston Texas

Acai Berry
Eturn policy
Ripped Off! Do NOT purchase from the site!

Lew Magram
Ripoff A mere purchase turn into a nightmare