Attempted robbery, tax relief fraud, coercion

Shops, Products, Services

Sent: Friday, June 24 7:39 PM

Hi Louis I waited here for awhile last night and I dont think I will be able to stay late tonight. Please let me know what time you want to finish this out so we can move forward with your case. Thank you so much!
To: Robbie Masso
Subject: Moving forward... Ms. Masso, While having our first conversation, I stated that I told you the truth about everything concerning my tax situation. You did not do the same. You should have told me you were just a salesperson, not a qualified tax consultant. Nor did you mention, whatever work is to be done on my behalf by your company will not start until I pay the $$8000 fee upfront. Why do I have to pay upfront? Why not mention your return, refund policy? You did not give me all the facts to make an intelligent decision. My decision not to use TaxMaster's services is based on its obvious deception and misrepresentation practices.
I have retained a local reputable CPA to assist in my situation where I believe I will receive professional, positive results. The business relationship may have continued, maybe not, if only you were truthful with me. I did my homework on your company and not only discovered many complaints from customers concerning TaxMasters questionable, unethical and deceptive business practices, but a big fat "F" rating from the BBB in Houston, TX. The federal government, United States Postal Services, State of Texas, Michigan, Florida and others are investigating you, your co-workers, leaders and anyone associated with Taxmasters.
I can not say it was a pleasure. Thank God I found out before giving you any of my money. Do not attempt to contact me by phone, email or any other method. A copy of this email and all correspondences related to this incident are on file with local law enforcement and the State District Attorney's office.

After Ms. Masso read this, she fires back:

What are you talking about? First of all, we do have a refund policy. Additionally, when you buy a service, naturally you need to pay for the item. Why would I do the work for free? Youre already trying to escape paying the IRS and we are supposed to believe that youre going to pay us? Seriously?! What you read on the internet are blogs and the BBB report. What do you know about my credentials, other than what you read on the internet? You do not know anything. I guess youre probably one of those who believe Al Gore invented the internet too, huh? I didnt deceive you at all. YOU called ME for help and I gave you a solution to YOUR TAX problem. I am offended at what you are implying - youre the one who owes the IRS. I do not have a tax problem, YOU DO, Sir. I wish someone would create a website for folks like you who owe taxes and refuse to pay them. Youre the deceptive one. People who live in glass houses shouldnt throw rocks.

Not professional at all. This proves my point.

Company: TaxMasters
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 900 Town & Country Lane, Ste. 400 Houston, TX 770
Phone: 88849759373215
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