Rjm And Fingerhut
Ripoff I didn't order anything and when I tried to pay they waited to cash check for 1 month then added $10 to my bill. Was this wrong?

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First of all, i didn't order anything from Fingerhut.
I called them and they said that they are a new company.
Then they tell me there not a company.
This really upsets me. Not to say that it's hard to understand them when they can't hardly speak english. (did i call someone in the usa?) anyways, RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC is saying i o them $83.03. Ok so i decided the best thing to do was try to pay it since it wasn't that much. Ok done on dec 5th.
They waited till the day before i got paid to cash the check.

Ok with me. Check bounced add $20. Ok with me. So they waited another month to send check to bank again. A week later they called me. Well, i called them to ask them about the $93.03 and why there is $10 more added to the balance they said all all of the above. Kinda strange how the waited 1 month to send the check again. So the total of the $83.03 $20 $20 $10 = $133.03 wow!!! Is the right? So should i pay the remanding $93.03 and get this off my rear end? Someone let me know!

On the phone they said they will not take another check, but the statement they sent me says they will. Wtf
anyways. As i seen before writing this lots of others had problems and maybe this is the next step closer to getting this resolved. Thanks

Company: Rjm And Fingerhut
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: St. Cloud
Address: P.O. Box 1250
Phone: 8002082500
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