Robert Morewood
Scammed US$2000

Shops, Products, Services

I've been cheated by Robert Morewood within the amount of US$2000. I sent the cash

To him on 13 April for that purchase of the headset and an amplifier

Which he didn't deliver in my experience. If you require the cable verify declaration I'll deliver

It for you. I also provide the e-mail correspondance that we am prepared to forward

For you.

Their email addresses are:

1) ferrari.

2) frompunk.

3) robert.

He explained he lives in Stradford-upon-Avon but will not reveal his house address

And house telephone number in my experience when eventually informed him that I'll obtain a buddy

To get the things as a swap for money because he declines he didn't the

Cost through the first cable on 13 October.

Company: Robert Morewood
Country: USA
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Robert Addie
Robert Addie Lake Worth Florida Robert Addie is with Alyssa Mills and is Convicted of Fraud in the US Virgin Islands and needs to pay over $350,000.00 back Colorado

Diminishing service

Virgin Mobile Canada
Company is not satisfing

Virgin Mobile USA
Scam and stealing

Virgin Mobile
Not receiving inbound calls

Virgin Mobile USA
Tear people off

Virgin Media
Customer misinformation

Virgin Mobile
Collects Without Warning

Virgin Mobile USA
Pay as you go account active till but minutes expired and lost

Virgin Mobile USA, Inc
Virgin Mobile Overcharges minutes