Consumer Portfolio Services
Lies and Harrassment

Shops, Products, Services

CPS borrowed my vehicle 24 months ago. 30 days, I named since I had been likely to be overdue with my cost. They provided a-one-period-only offer of stretching that cost for just two months. I acknowledged. The things they didn't inform me was this was a lasting change to my cost deadline. Since that time, I'm today USUALLY 14 days overdue with my cost with regular late charges mounting up that I WOn't spend. I presently owe nearly $2,000 in late charges as a result of this; additionally, due to this regular lateness, they've harassed me at the office calling constantly while I'm in school training. Oneday I'd to claim using the csr since she explained to wash out my car, she was delivering a repo group to my college to get my car. I expected her easily might contact her in 20 minutes after my pupils quit, she believed to simply cleanse my vehicle. I chewed her out and hungup. She named 5 minutes later declaring that it had been not her who'd formerly named me and wondering easily might PLEASE return her call-in 20 minutes. They've also harassed my aged and sick parents, my neighbors, my buddies, and my colleagues.

Company: Consumer Portfolio Services
Country: USA
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