Watch out before giving credit cards numbers to these guys

Shops, Products, Services

This people will offer a three month plan on the phone for $90.00 and then go after your credit card every month until you notice it, then when you ask them for a refund they'll tell you that when you log in into their system and check mark the terms and conditions you are agreeing to reocurring withdrawals from your credit card, I'd say that they are not honest in their dealing because they refuse to do refunds even when you have not logged into their site for months. The reason I did not use their system is because you'll not find a load over there, their posting are outdated and probably many of the poster don't even know their shipments are posted over there, my advice... You do not need this headache!!!

Company: Realtimefreight
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 350 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1110
Phone: 3126022622
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Unauthorized billing

Ripped off for $14.95 each and every month afterwards Interent

Poster Pass
Poster Pass Company rips you off by automatically shipping you outrageously expensive posters every month and does NOT refund money as claimed

They can't make a living unless they scam. It must be that the free credit report they offer is just to suck you in. Once you accept the terms you find you have been sucked into a plan at $19.95 pe

My Snap Tours
Premier Showcase Homes Scam Auto Credit Card Charges Even After You Cancel Your Account - Won't refund but only one month!


Consumer Report

Steel Bridge Medical
Ripoff Selling Lipoplex BEWARE OF LIPOPLEX FREE SAMPLES! Steel Bridge Medical wants your credit card info
Is holding my credit card hostage!