Universal Protection Services
Will lie and try to give you a bad referal

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I was employeed with Universal Protection Services in Denverfor approximately 5 months from October to Febuary 2010. During that time I know that I was one of their best guards - never late and got exceptional reviews from my supervisors and clients. I only recieved one verbal "write-up" but that was due to the client not knowning what they really wanted from us and instead of the client telling me what they wanted me to do (my station was 5 feet from them) they went through the Field Supervisor but I digress that specific client evenliked me and every supervisor thought I did an amazing job.

In Febuary 2010 Irecieved a job offer with another security company for an armed position and since the pay was better and Universaldoes not have any armed guards in Denver I accepted it. I gave them 2 weeks notice and when I asked I was told that I was leaving on good terms.

About 8 months into my new job my hours were cut drastically and decided that since Universal was the best security company I'd worked for (I've worked for 4) to try and get rehired. Icalled and they told me to fill out an online application and not to bother with their "assessment" which I did. I called 3 days later only to be informed that I was not eligible for rehire due to "attendance issues" which they refused to elaborate.

I should note that during my time there I calledinsick ONCE and it was not even for my regular post but a special Halloween post. I gave 6 hours notice when I realized I could barely sit up. The rest of my time with them was spent working extra covering for guards that had trouble showing up. Now I can'tuse them as a referencebecause of their lies.

Company: Universal Protection Services
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 1602 S. Parker Rd #200
Site: universalpro.com
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Took away my overtime, created hardships, discriminated against existing guards, paychecks messed up, messed up on vacation pay

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