Direct tv
Direct tv stole $1200 out of my bank act

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Direct tv withdrew $1200 out of my bank account. I never received a bill or notice. When i called them they gave me a list of charges which were not even correct and was told since they had a right to take what they felt i owed even though they had no authority and the only reason they had my bank info is because that was the card I paid my last bill with, so they took it upon themselves to save my info and use for their own convinience. One of the ridiculous charges was for early cancellation fee and the fact that I had service for 6 years meant nothing to them, and made no sense to me, especially considering the contracts are 2 years, so dont no where they get that fee from butanyways they have no right going into my bank act. And help themselves. Does this mean any company that you paid with bank card can save your info and take out what they want, when they want. That doesnt seem legal to me.

Company: Direct tv
Country: USA
State: California
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Direct TV

Directv, Inc
Unauthorized Charges From Direct TV

Direct TV

Your-Money. Tv
Consumer Report

Direct Tv billed me 6 years late - direct tv

Direct TV
Early cancellation fees

Direct TV
Took money from my bank account for someone elses bill/I do not have an account with Direct TV

First Convenience Bank
Withdrew $432.07 for direct tv the bill was my sons and not mine they took over 200.00 in nsf charges as well

Direct Tv
Att att/direct tv, partnered up to ripoff 75 year old mom

Direct TV
Unauthorized use of Debit Card