Appalachian Tactical, David Maran, douchebag, scum bag, thief RIP-OFF's! Douche bags! Thieves!

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Pretty much the same thing happened to me as everyone else on here that is complaining about the douche bag that runs Appalachian Tactical /

I placed an order from their web site on 11/20 for a $147.00 tactical vest. I immediately got a confirmation e-mail. The next day my card was charged. A few days later I got an e-mail saying my item was shipped. After a month went by, I contacted them by phone (no answer - all you get is a lameanswering machine), and by e-mail to let them know I hadn't received my item yet. They replied a few days later with an e-mail that said to give it 2 weeks for delivery. I had to laugh because at that point TWICE that amount of time had gone-by, so I waited a bit longer just in case the mail was running slow because of Christmas.

Now it is 1/3 and I STILL haven't received my item, and every time I call, all I get is their f*#@ing answering machine. When I e-mail, it takes a week to hear anything back. The last few times I e-mailed, I haven't gotten any reply back at all.

This guy is a rip off THIEF that needs a serious ass kicking. If I didn't live way out here in California, I'd hunt this prick down and kick the crap out of him myself! I hope some of our military men find out thisdouche is using "US Militarty Surplus" as his front and they take offense to it and pay him a visit! I lost $147.00. It isn't the end of the world. I actually make a good / honest living which is something I can NOT say for this a#*hole!

I am going to call the Fleetwood, NC Sheriff's department and file a complaint like other people have done on here. Maybe they can pick this piece of crap guy up and make him someone's butt buddy in the county jail for a while! Hell... I'd PAY an additional $147.00 just to see that happen!

I wish I had checked with complaint FIRST before I bought from this jerk-off!

Company: Appalachian Tactical
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Fleetwood
Address: 164 Liberty Grove Church Rd
Phone: 3368773214
  <     >  


Appalachian tactical
Owner: David Maran. Aka Thief and scam artist. This company, and owner David Maran, stole my money

Appalachian Tactical
Appalachian Tactical Owner: David Maran Appalachian Tactical Said repeatedly that they shipped the product after charging my CC. Almost two month latter I have not recieved a thing from them

Appalachian tactical
On-line theives

Appalachian Tactical

Appalachian Tactical
This company claims to sell military tactical supplies, but what they really do is steal money from people

Appalachian Tactical phone number: 336-877-3214 Fraud, Stole my Online Payment, Refused to Contact me

Appalachian Tactical
US Military No delivery, no communication

Applachian Military Surplus Took Money And Did Not Ship Product, They Won't Answer Emails or Voicemails

US Military
Appalachian Tactical Intentional Internet Fraud

R&S Tactical Gear
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing, will not contact me back, never recived item