Appalachian tactical
Owner: David Maran. Aka Thief and scam artist. This company, and owner David Maran, stole my money

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered some boot zippers from this company, appalachian tactical (owner: David Maran), on October 22. The charge was immediately taken, but never recieved the zippers. I have called the company several times and get the same answer from this f-in idiot every time, " it was shipped last week." It is exactly 2 months and still no fact if it would have shipped everytime he said it did, I would have 6 pairs of boot zippers by now! But instead I have none! This guy is a world class A-hole! A liar and a thief! I finally called again 2 1/2 weeks ago and asked for a refund. He told me I would get a refund and he would send out a confirmation e~mail. Still waiting for that too. I once again called a week later to check on my refund, and got the same answer, will get a confirmation e-mail on the refund, still waiting on that one too. Finally got fed up and called the sheriff's dept. There and filed a report. It didnt surprise me when the deputy told me I wasnt the first to file on appalacian tactical, and I have a feeling I wont be the last. I dont understand, if this moron is ripping everyone off, he should have plenty of money to refunds! It saddens me to think this idiot has also ripped of many of my brothers in Law enforcement. Considering his supply base, or lack there of, im sure he has, and will continue to do, if someone doesnt shut him down. This jerk-off is stealing people's hard earned money. So please, people out there, DO Not buy from appalachian tactical and us military surplus or David Maran. He is a thief and a gutless punk! And mr. Maran, no not gonna use mr. Because that is for men, if u read this, and you have a wife and kids, why dont u go gather your family up, sit them down and tell them you are a wonderful liar, a thief, and a scam artist, I am sure they will be proud! But I will thank you for one thing, Job security! People like you (thieves) are the reason I will always have a job!

Ryan Bakersfield, California

Company: Appalachian tactical
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Fleetwood
Address: 164 Liberty Grove Church Rd
Phone: 3368773214
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Appalachian Tactical
Appalachian Tactical Owner: David Maran Appalachian Tactical Said repeatedly that they shipped the product after charging my CC. Almost two month latter I have not recieved a thing from them

Appalachian Tactical, David Maran, douchebag, scum bag, thief RIP-OFF's! Douche bags! Thieves!

Appalachian tactical
On-line theives

Appalachian Tactical

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Josie maran cosmetics llc don't bother to ask for customer service. They don't respond to calls or emails

Appalachian Tactical
Stole money

Appalachian Tactical
This company claims to sell military tactical supplies, but what they really do is steal money from people

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Appalachian Tactical, Charged for items never received