Dell Online: Poor Service, RIP OFF Warranty at Christmas

Shops, Products, Services

Dell computers are generally great computers... Until something
goes wrong. Ever since they began out-sourcing services, the overall quality
and customer service has bottomed out.

On 11-30, I purchased a nice laptop computer
for my wife as a Christmas present. At the time of purchase, the sales
person persuaded me to purchase the 'Solution Station 30 Days Unlimited
Incidents' warranty service (allows help with setup and any problems for a 30
days period). Sales told me the 30 days would not begin until 12-25
because the purchase was a Christmas gift, otherwise I would not have bought
the service.

I received the laptop by mail on
12-04. On 12-28, I called Dell for help setting up a wireless
printer with my laptop. One of the six techs I spoke with insisted my
warranty had expired! I pointed out that it was a Christmas gift and the
warranty didn't start until 12-25... And even if it had begun on 11-30
(when purchased) that I would still have two days left. Finally, she
understood, then transferred me to a 'supervisor' (my name is Peggy) and he
said the warranty began on 11-30. I asked him how that could be,
considering what sales had assured me, and even if true that Dell had physical
control of the laptop in the mail between 11-30 and until I received it on
12-04 (A futile waste of breath on my part).

The entire five hours, six techs, two disconnects (no call backs) and total lack of success (I still have a wireless printer not connected to my wife's laptop), was simply too frustrating (I think that is their goal) to ever purchase another Dell product. Ever.

DELL — what happened to you? You use to be the very best at everything, especially customer service and resolving problems. But deceptive statements by
sales... Customer service techs that arent, and now, one cannot even understand what many of your techs are saying... And transfers to other techs who actually wished me a 'good karma' (check your quality control tapes once in a while)... It is all too sad and too bad, and would be funny if it were not a too common experience these days.

Order #535841501

Country: USA
Phone: 8006249896
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