Itsybid scam penny auction

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This online penny auction site is deceptive and expensive. They enter false users into their system which they use to drive up the bids. What a scam. I was involved in an auction and the other people where continually bidding me up past the cost of the package. If you search for the username of the people bidding and they come up on more than one auction, then often times they are fraudulent users created by the owners for this purpose.

This is just a warning to others out there not to waste your money. Stop looking at what they call a penny and look at it as a $1 each bid. Think about it. They want lots of people to bid, the more that bid the more they make on each package. Don't support these people.

Company: Itsybid
Country: USA
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This ruins people's lives. Site is a scam and its a fraud. Not an auction site, a gambling site. False advertisment

Live online penny auction auctions don't work like this! Buying bids, bidding, losing auction, bids not returned to bidde

Bargainoo, Ltd Penny Auction Website Penny Auction Site Penny Auction Site Biduh Penny Auction Site Penny Auction SCAMS! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. Shill bidding company

Bidder Syndicates
Papa888 These are the veterans in Penny Auction sites. They scam Penny Auctions sites so beware of them

SMILEAN BID: penny auctions
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Penny Auction Watch (PAW)
Penny Auction Watch, PAW, SCAM Front for Dishonest Penny Auction Owners to submit FAKE positive experiences
Live online penny auction beezid stung me!
Internet Penny Auction Scam Penny Auction Fraud. Not only from this site but it has become a multi-million dollar business